Please Note: These are examples and don’t cover everything that Mandate Systems can cover, call us to check your equipment.

Most accumulators fall within the PSSR 2000 regulations and require a written scheme of examination.

Air Con & Refrigeration
Systems with a total installed power greater than 25kw need to have a written scheme of examination in place.

Compressed Air
The majority of compressed air systems need to have a written scheme of examination. Check if your system in over the 250 bar litres threshold.

Expansion Vessel
Typically expansion vessels linked to hot water and heating systems require a written scheme.

Mixed Gas
Utilising a relevant compressible gas with a system running at >0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure requires a WSE.

Receivers with relevant fluid operating at or above 0.5 bar with a volume pressure of 250 bar litres or above, require a written scheme before being operational.

Under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR), steam at any pressure needs a written scheme of examination.